Neither of us can poo right now, so we read a reddit story about someone who has such large poops they need a poop knife. Mitch tells us about the mystery dookie in his school bathroom. Would you f*** a coconut? Someone did, and we can tell you why thats a bag idea.

    #19 ~ The Poop Knife 
  • EPISODE 18

    Ever played the anal rv game? No? We will for you. We touch on Mitch's first round of golf and Ben's haircut. We want to give back to all of you, so we head to reddit for some stories. We give some advice to people in need. There are some wild stories out there and we want to be a part of them all.

    #18 ~ Magnum Jimmy's 
  • EPISODE 17

    Mitch has a game where we find out how little Ben knows about history. Trojan What? A good friend of our passed away, moment of silence for him. We try out hand at reading out reddit stories and discover how crazy people are. Would you fight a homeless person for calling you dumb? Episodes every Monday from now on!

    #17 ~ Fighting Homeless 
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